Friday, September 7, 2012

Hiking, traveling and training!

Wow, has it been a busy summer!!!  So busy that i haven't written in like forever!!!  Here's what's been happening.

I don't know what happened to June and I don't think my momma or papa know either.  I know I spent a lot of time hanging out and playing with my buddies at my favorite home away from home.  As much as I love going to Pooch, there is something to be said about getting back home with my humans.  It's nice to be home.

July was filled with adventure and fun too.  I went with my humans to a magical place called Portlandia in Oregon.  While they hang out with friends and catch up, I would get to hang out at another day care and catch up with all my doggie friends.  The first time I went to this play group, I had to pass a temperament evaluation.  No problems there, was told I was an old pro at it, and off to the yard I went.  Of course that meant I had to show all those laid back Portlandia dogs how Cali dogs play, and off I went with one of the biggest cases of zoomies ever!  So when we came back this time, I got to go straight back to the yard.  Except this year was different, another pup who chases and nips at shadows accidentally bit me while we all were in the play yard.  I was with a group of dogs and the "Shadow Chaser" was doing his own shadow chasing thing by himself.  I guess our little group may have gotten too close and I look a little too much like a shadow.  So my first day of playing ended with going to the Vet ER to get my wound flushed out and stitched close.  Then I stayed in the hotel for the rest of the trip, hanging out with my peeps.  Though I would have rather been playing, momma didn't want me to pop my stitches, which meant crate rest....  And a donut of shame...

I look like I'm about ready to go swimming.....

Speaking of swimming, I spent lots of time at the lake this summer.  Momma had me shoot photos and videos.  We got together with a friend of hers and Violet the purple pibble.  She has her own blog too and you can read about some of our experiences in class together.  Let's just say that sometimes we weren't too nice to each other, yelling bad words and being snarky.  But as they say, a year later and a little older, we've both matured and actually had a nice time hanging out together on the lake beach.
I've been hiking a lot too and somehow momma has been getting some training snuck in there.  I have a few buddies that help me with my manners and remind me that I need to be calm around unfamiliar dogs.  Sometimes I can be a little much.  And of course I've been shooting pictures while I hike.

So until next time, stay cool, live it up and keep rockin!!!!