Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm Swimming!!!!!

Yesterday I got to go up to Livermore with my friend Cara and her momma.  We met another dog named Chilly and her momma at Starbucks (I like hanging out at Starbucks).  Then we all drove out to Del Valle State Park to go play.

Chilly is what her momma calls an "Elderbull".  But I would have never thought Chilly to be old because she could swim with the best of them!  Her momma threw her tennis ball way out into the water and Chilly jumped right in after it.  Cara and her momma did the same and man does Cara swim fast.  Of course seeing those two have all that fun I couldn't wait to try it out.  "Throw the ball Mom!"

We had so much fun!  Check it out!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hi!!! I'm Roadie!!!

This is how i usually greet most people and dogs.  It's very rude and my humans are teaching me that I shouldn't be introducing myself that way.  I'm learning that I should look to my humans for directions but it's soooo hard with the things I find distracting....Which is everything.

Dogs, cats, garbage trucks, semi trucks, my ball, food...You name it and there's a good chance that I'm distracted by it. 

But I'm told that my humans have the best resources and tools available to them to help me out.  This is where Our Pack, Inc classes and HikeABulls hiking group come into the picture.  8 months ago I began classes with the trainers and dogs of Our Pack.  There are all kinds of dogs there and each of them are working on their own issues just like me.  Ya see, I don't like being on leash.  I'm not able to do what I want, which is great people and dogs.  And when I wasn't able to do what I wanted, I would get frustrated and I would let everyone know I was.  It's taken a lot of time but I've gotten much better with keeping myself calm and containing my outbursts.  I still have them once and a while but i go into "recovery" quickly, which make my humans very happy.  Classes and hiking have helped me become a more balanced dog and taught my humans how to read me better and keep me calm.

And guess what!!  I even earned my CGC certificate.  My humans are very happy about this but what made me happy about it was getting a new toy.  I picked out a stuffed rat and we named him Dave.

Stay tuned for more of my adventures!