Friday, September 2, 2011

Operation Bar Exam-

That's right I took the bar exam today.  Not the kind legal people take.  The one I took was a 2.5hr exam where I joined my humans with a friend of theirs for lunch at the local Rock Bottom Brewery where they allow dogs to sit at the patio outside.

So to set me up for a successful outing we walked around the Pruneyard to get my yayas out.  This helped me get familiar with all the sights and sounds surrounding the area where we would be hanging out.  We also went at a time when the brewery was less busy, post lunch rush.

There was an English Bulldog and a pit bull mix hanging out when we got there.  I was able to walk calmly past them without caring.  We took a table off to the side where I could sit on my mat and enjoy my peanut butter stuffed Kong.

The first two dogs left but not before a 170lb Mastiff joined the party.  Now I wasn't so sure about this dog, mainly because I thought it was a cow.  So I got a little fussy.  Momma did what I think she thought was best which was get up and take me for a quick walk away from the situation so I could calm down.  We returned to our table and I opted to turn my back from the Mastiff and relax.  Then I decided that I wanted to relax under the table and not on my blanket.  I quietly laid down looking quietly at the huge dog but didn't say a peep, which must have made my humans very happy because I kept getting treats.

Then the family with the huge Mastiff left and his big head shaking startled me a little bit so I woofed. But quickly looked at momma who told me to relax and lay down again.  Next came a tiny young puppy who didn't know that staring is rude, but I took her staring as a sign that she wanted to play.  I couldn't contain myself and woofed again.  But my humans were on it and reminded me that I had to be a good example for this young pup, so I settled back in my spot under the table while they finished their meal.

Gosh, who knew this test would be so hard and last forever!!!  Well okay maybe not forever but 2.5hrs is a long time for a teenager like me.  But I'm told that I did well and if I were being graded I earned a B.  So hopefully we changed a few people's minds about dogs like me.  Till next time!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I love play dates!!!  I live for play dates.  But due to many doggie parents not knowing how to read doggie body language or how to be familiar with doggie play styles, playing at a dog park isn't exactly the best option for me.  Too often the attitude of dog owners at dog parks is to let the dogs "figure it out among themselves" instead watching what's happening and intervening when needed.  Ya see, my bully face could be the first one blamed should anything negative happen at the park; even if I'm not involved.  Mainly this is because the public fears dogs that look like me, believing what the media tells them instead of taking the time to learn on their own.

How do I get to play with other dogs you might ask?  Through well matched playmates who are owned by responsible humans of course.  Each dog's temperament and play style is considered; as well as any behaviors they are working on.  If a match doesn't work, we don't force it.  Instead we go for a walk as a pack and socialize that way, thus being able to still have a positive association.  Also each of Momma's friends are very familiar with dog behavior and help watch to make sure no one gets too excited, snarky, nervous, or aroused.  When each dog's human is involved in managing energy levels with the well matched dogs, the play date continues to be a positive experience for all.  I prefer chase me games and wrestling games.  Now you know why momma and my doggie friend's parents watch us while we play.  It's this pibble play style that can get any dog super excited when playing.  So time outs and breaks are also key to aiding in a successful play date.     

Here is my friend Abbey and me playing together earlier this summer.

And here are some photos of me playing with my best girlfriend ever Lola.

 We love wrestling on the big pillow beds!!!

 Here's me going in for a quick smooch!

 And Lola likes to whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

And I'm crazy about her.  I follow her every where!!!
