Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lighting It Up Blue-

April, a month that starts off with pranks and jokes, has bunnies that hide eggs and usually officially signifies that spring has sprung.

It's also the month set aside to bringing awareness to autism, starting with the Light It Up Blue campaign where buildings, homes, houses of worship and iconic landmarks were lit up blue in support of autism awareness.  And yes, my momma being the lighting designer she is has turned our front porch blue.

Now my momma and her circle of friends advocate for bully headed dogs like myself so it's only right that I use my rocker attitude for good by advocating for those whose voice is not always heard.  It's there, it may be in a whisper or in just a look; but if you pause for just a second, you'll hear it.

To help me with my small task of getting the word out about autism, my momma talked to some close friends of hers about an idea for a collar.  Besides "Autism Speaks" or "Cure Autism Now", my momma wanted to embroider my collar with just as powerful a phrase.  She asked them what would be appropriate, as they too are a family affected by autism.  Without hesitation, out came the quote from Dr. Temple Grandin "Different, not less".

Just like blocky headed dogs, people who are diagnosed with autism are judged on a general level, not on an individual one.....  Which as we all know isn't fair or right.

So stand-by blue light cue....Blue light cue, GO!

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